Help Support the Improvement of the Retiree Health Insurance Subsidy Program!
Updated On: Feb 06, 2020
LD 2049 - An Act To Amend the Laws Concerning the Retired County and Municipal Law Enforcement Officers and Municipal Firefighters Health Insurance Program
A Public Hearing will be held at 9 AM on Wednesday February 12th by the Labor and Housing Committee - Cross Building, Room 202
Please help fill the room in support of this important bill! You can access the bill through this link:
You will also be able to find the legislators who serve on this committee here as well.
This bill will make important revisions in the current Health Insurance Subsidy Program, also known as LD 1021. Your action is needed to help support this important effort!
If you cannot attend in person please use the following links to find your elected Senators and Representatives. Email and Call them to tell them to lend their support of LD 2049!